Police Misconduct

Police Misconduct

This office has been suing local, municipal and state police in federal and state courts for forty years. While the vast majority of law enforcement officers are incredibly courageous, conscientious individuals who risk their lives on a daily basis to make the world safer for all of us, there are some who cannot seem to avoid trampling on individual rights and freedoms from such abuses as false arrests, use of excessive force, malicious prosecutions, false imprisonments and the like. There are even some police who turn gratuitous, malicious beatings into groundless arrests in order to cover up their wrongdoing. These officers should be made to pay money damages to those whom they have wronged and this office will assist you in achieving this goal.

Do you have questions or do you want to make an appointment in this area?

Call us at 617 720-4244 or use our contact form.

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